在PG中,角色与用户的概念比较模糊,可以认为带LOGIN属性的role就是用户. #创建role
postgres=# create role role1;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# \c - role1FATAL: role "role1" is not permitted to log inPrevious connection keptpostgres=# alter role role1 login;ALTER ROLEpostgres=# \c - role1You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "role1".
create user role1 与create role role1 login 是等价的,避免混淆,我只记create role方式.
postgres=> select rolname,rolsuper,rolcanlogin from pg_roles; rolname | rolsuper | rolcanlogin ----------+----------+------------- postgres | t | t hippo | f | t user2 | f | t user1 | t | t role1 | f | t
[postgres@fnddb ~]$ psql -d database1psql (9.4.1)Type "help" for help.database1=# \cYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".
[postgres@fnddb ~]$ psql -U role1 --不指定数据库名字,默认数据库跟用户名一致,所以找不到psql: FATAL: database "role1" does not exist
- LOGIN --具有登录权限
- SUPERUSER --超级用户,具有所有系统权限,除了登录验证
- CREATEDB --创建数据库权限
- CREATEROLE --创建role权限
- PASSWORD --设置密码
postgres=# create role role2 login;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# select * from pg_user where usename = 'role2'; usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | userepl | passwd | valuntil | useconfig ---------+----------+-------------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+----------+----------- role2 | 16494 | f | f | f | f | ******** | | (1 row)postgres=# alter role role2 createdb createrole password 'rolepasswd';ALTER ROLEpostgres=# \du role2 List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------+----------- role2 | Create role, Create DB | {}postgres=# alter role role2 nocreatedb nocreaterole superuser;ALTER ROLEpostgres=# \du role2 List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------+----------- role2 | Superuser | {}
#role的参数 可以修改用户的参数,来影响某用户操作数据库的特殊行为.这部分在讲服务器参数修改时已提及.
postgres=# alter role role2 set enable_indexscan = f;ALTER ROLE
#role membership(role 成员) 为了管理上的方便,我们可以创建一个role group,然后可以将各用户或者有特殊权限的role组织在一起,各个role就是这个role group的membership.
role group 是不带login的role,因为pg使用role来表示所有的角色,用户,用户组,所以不要混淆,创建语句都是create role.我们来测试一下.我们创建一个用户,两个角色,分别有直属一个表的查询权限
postgres=# create role jack login inherit;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# create role r1;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# create role r2;CREATE ROLEpostgres=# \c database1You are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".database1=# create table tab1(id text);CREATE TABLEdatabase1=# create table tab2(id text);CREATE TABLEdatabase1=# create table tab3 (id text);CREATE TABLEdatabase1=# grant select on tab1 to r1;GRANTdatabase1=# grant select on tab2 to r2;GRANTdatabase1=# grant select on tab3 to jack;GRANT
database1=# grant r1 to jack;GRANT ROLEdatabase1=# grant r2 to jack;GRANT ROLEdatabase1=# grant usage on schema public to public; --授权usage给所有用户(后一个public),否则看不到数据库中的表.GRANT
database1=# \c - jackYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "jack".database1=> select * from tab3; id ----(0 rows)database1=> select * from tab1; id ----(0 rows)database1=> select * from tab2; id ----(0 rows)
database1=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".database1=# revoke r2 from jack;REVOKE ROLEdatabase1=# grant r2 to r1;GRANT ROLEdatabase1=# \c - jack;You are now connected to database "database1" as user "jack".database1=> select * from tab2; id ----(0 rows)
database1=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".database1=# alter role r1 noinherit;ALTER ROLEdatabase1=# \c - jack;You are now connected to database "database1" as user "jack".database1=> select * from tab2; --已经查询不了r2的权限ERROR: permission denied for relation tab2database1=> select * from tab1; id ----(0 rows)
database1=> set role r1;SETdatabase1=> select * from tab1; id ----(0 rows)database1=> select * from tab2;ERROR: permission denied for relation tab2database1=> select * from tab3;ERROR: permission denied for relation tab3
database1=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".database1=# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------------------------------+----------- hippo | | {} jack | | {r1} postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {} r1 | No inheritance, Cannot login | {r2} r2 | Cannot login | {} user1 | Superuser, Create role, Create DB | {} user2 | Create DB | {}database1=# grant jack to r2;ERROR: role "jack" is a member of role "r2"
database1=# alter role r1 createrole;ALTER ROLEdatabase1=# \c - jack;You are now connected to database "database1" as user "jack".database1=> create role jacktest1;ERROR: permission denied to create roledatabase1=> set role r1;SETdatabase1=> create role jacktest1;CREATE ROLE
database1=> set role jack;SETdatabase1=> set role none;SETdatabase1=> reset role;RESET
database1=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".database1=# grant create on database database1 to r1;GRANTdatabase1=# \c - jackYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "jack".database1=> set role r1;SETdatabase1=> create table tab4(id text);CREATE TABLEdatabase1=> \dt tab4 --这里要注意:owner变成了r1而不是jack List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+------- public | tab4 | table | r1(1 row)
database1=> \c - postgresYou are now connected to database "database1" as user "postgres".database1=# drop role r1;ERROR: role "r1" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on itDETAIL: owner of table tab4privileges for database database1privileges for table tab1
database1=# drop table tab1;DROP TABLEdatabase1=# drop table tab4;DROP TABLEdatabase1=# revoke create on database database1 from r1;REVOKEdatabase1=# drop role r1;DROP ROLE
涉及到r1的成员或者是角色租(role group) 自动释放
database1=# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------------------------------+----------- hippo | | {} jack | | {} jacktest1 | Cannot login | {} postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {} r2 | Cannot login | {} user1 | Superuser, Create role, Create DB | {} user2 | Create DB | {}
- PG中的role包含了用户,角色,角色组,成员等所有含义.都使用create role来创建.
- 一个role可以成为多个role的成员,根据role的inherit属性来决定是否集成其他role的各种权限
- 继承关系不能形成回路.
- role上的属性如createdb,createrole不会直接继承,需要显式通过set role切换过去.
- 删除role需要先清理此role关联的各种权限.